Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Congress is complicit in every mass killing for letting the Assault Weapons Ban expire

There have always been people who suffer from mental illness. There have always been domestic disputes, neighborhood feuds, road rage and countless other incidents that result in angry confrontations. There is no way to predict when violence will occur or who will suddenly become violent. What is different now is our government has made military style weaponry readily available to almost every American. Now if a person resorts to violence, whatever the reason, the result can be catastrophic, When Congress allowed the Brady bill to expire, they set this country on a course that was predictable. Sadly, it was never really about the Second Amendment.  It was about the money that the gun manufactures channeled to political campaigns through the NRA. Every politician who failed to support extending the Assault Weapons Ban is complicit in every death resulting from use these types of weapons.

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